This month we are focusing on what it means to be responsible digital citizens. To be a good digital citizen entails treating people kindly online, using information correctly, and approaching technology in a balanced manner.
Grades K-2nd (Mr. Schmitt)
We are expanding our awareness of screen use & our surroundings while we are on screens, and what it means to have screen balance. Example scenarios include:
· When we have been playing video games for an hour, and our body feels like it needs to move, what are our options? We can play more video games. We can get up and wiggle, play outside, or simply stretch. What do you think is the most balanced?
· What happens when a parent is calling you for dinner and you are just about to finish your favorite show?
· How does it feel when you are trying to get an adult’s attention when they are looking at a screen?
We are creating skits, discussing & reflecting, and singing songs about how to navigate these kind of situations; with the intention of increasing our overall awareness of screen use. Indeed, we as adults may benefit from these lessons! Here is a catchy song that I find myself singing in order to stay more balanced!
Grades 3rd-4/5 Sci-Tech (Mr. Schmitt)
This month we are exploring what a database is, how to navigate an online database, and how to collect information for a research project. To spice it up, students are creating a scavenger hunt for their friend on a topic of their choice. On a side note, it is great to witness students’ excitement over nonfiction and research when using the database!
*The library purchased the brand new PebbleGo Next database, which features more in-depth articles geared toward intermediate!
Grades 4th-5th (Miss Erlitz)
So far this year, we have discussed and watched a video on "Putting a Stop to Online Meanness" (Common Sense Media). As students wrap up their STEAM coding projects on Seesaw, students are practicing using kind comments to review other classmates work. This provides direct feedback and practice being a thoughtful digital citizen!